Trap of the Vampire
A long time ago, in a small village, a boy named Johannes lived on a farm with his family. But their peaceful life was ruined by a terrifying vampire named Khema. Every night, Khema attacked the village, scaring the people and hurting anyone who got in his way.
One by one, the villagers ran away, until only Johannes, his parents, and his grandmother were left. But then, Khema did something even worse—he killed Johannes’ mother and father. Only his kind grandmother remained.
Johannes was a brave boy, and he refused to leave. His grandmother, however, was worried. Before she left, she gave him a rule to follow.
“Johannes, Johannes, Johannes, my poor baby, it’s your precious granny—open the door.”
She told him that whenever he heard these words, he must open the door right away.
And so, he waited. Every few days, he would hear that gentle voice, and when he opened the door, his grandmother would be there with food. She always begged him to leave the village, but Johannes refused. He was not afraid.
Then, one night, the same words came again.
“Johannes, Johannes, Johannes, my poor baby, it’s your precious granny—open the door.”
But this time, something was strange. The voice was too deep, too rough.
Johannes’ heart pounded. He whispered, “You are not my grandmother. You are the vampire trying to trick me!”
A creepy laugh came from outside.
“Open up, child. I promise I won’t hurt you,” Khema said in a fake sweet voice.
But Johannes did not listen. Furious, Khema stomped away.
The vampire needed a new plan. He took a hot bamboo stick and pressed it against his throat for weeks until his voice sounded exactly like Johannes’ grandmother. Then, one dark night, he tried again.
“Johannes, Johannes, Johannes, my poor baby, it’s your precious granny—open the door.”
This time, the voice was perfect.
Johannes hesitated. His hands shook as he slowly opened the door.
In a flash, Khema grabbed Johannes and threw him into a scratchy sack.
“At last!” Khema laughed. “Years of searching for fresh, fresh blood—now I have you!”
Johannes kicked and screamed, but no one could save him now.
Khema carried him to his old wooden house and dropped him into a big iron pot. “Stay here while I get firewood,” he said.
But Johannes was not helpless. He was smart.
He used all his strength to kick the pot until—CRACK!—a small hole appeared. He squeezed through and ran into the forest.
There, he found a beehive full of angry bees. He scooped them up and quickly put them inside the pot before escaping.
When Khema returned, he grinned, ready to cook his meal. He opened the pot.
A swarm of bees rushed out, stinging him everywhere! Khema yelled, ran, and rolled on the ground in pain. He had never felt such agony!
The vampire stumbled out of the house and disappeared into the night. He was never seen again.
When Johannes told his grandmother what had happened, she hugged him tightly and said,
“You are a true hero, my dear boy.”
And from that day on, no vampire ever dared to enter their village again.