Welcome to “Basic English” Program

Why is learning Basic English important?

  1. Global Communication: English is a global lingua franca, spoken and understood in numerous countries and used as a common language for international communication, travel, business, and diplomacy.

  2. Education and Career Opportunities: Proficiency in English opens doors to better educational opportunities, including access to higher education and specialized courses. It also enhances job prospects, as many multinational companies require English-speaking skills.

  3. Access to Information: A significant amount of information online, in books, and in various media is available in English. Being proficient in the language allows individuals to access a wealth of knowledge and resources.

  4. Cultural Understanding: English serves as a bridge to understanding diverse cultures, literature, music, films, and more, facilitating cross-cultural interactions and fostering global understanding.

  5. Travel and Tourism: Basic English skills are beneficial for travelers, making it easier to navigate and communicate in various countries where English is widely spoken or understood.

  6. Personal Development: Learning a new language improves cognitive abilities, memory, and problem-solving skills. It also boosts confidence and provides a sense of accomplishment.

Overview of Basic English:

Basic English learning starts at the Beginner (A1) level, focusing on fundamental vocabulary and grammar. Progressing through Elementary (A2) and Intermediate (B1) levels involves gradual skill improvement in all areas: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Upper-Intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1), and Proficiency (C2) levels further refine and advance these skills to higher levels of fluency, accuracy, and comprehension.


1. Beginner (A1):

2. Elementary (A2):

3. Intermediate (B1):

4. Upper-Intermediate (B2):

5. Advanced (C1):

6. Proficiency (C2):


Completion of Basic English involves reaching a targeted level of proficiency based on personal or academic objectives. It can be considered complete when the learner comfortably operates within the specified level's language requirements, demonstrating comprehension, communication, and writing abilities consistent with that level's expectations.